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Here is what others have to say...

C-Level Leader

“I personally worked with Galina in this effort, and thanks to her exemplary leadership skills and working knowledge of change management dynamics, we were able to effectively complete a turnaround within 12 months. Galina has my highest regard and recommendation” --CEO in Asia of global Advertising Group

Executive Woman

"Galina's wisdom springs from a unique combination of line management experience and an uncanny understanding about what makes people tick. Her approach to coaching stikes a fine balance between the two. One of the most valuable leadership lessons I've learned from Galina is the importance of delivering tough messages in a way that allows them to be heard. I've watched her make the tough decisions required for the business and communicate those decisions in ways that, amazingly, build employee commitment and loyalty. I can think of no more important skill for any business leader to master. And, it's the perfect quality for an executive coach -- she'll tell you things you might not want to hear, and you'll thank her for it!"

--Executive Vice President in a Global Learning Services Provider

New Global Leader

Galina served an important role helping me to effectively transition from an American focus to an international role; supporting the robust development of my emotional intelligence and furthering my leadership effectiveness in a transnational environment. Providing feedback and guidance in real time, her approach took into account the context of this organization and the feedback she offered furthered my ability to effectively navigate across borders and boundaries.”

--Global Head of Management Development at Global Financial Institution


As my coach, she always adopts a ‘thinking partner’ approach where she uses her very fine listening and questioning skills. Everyone who interacts with her would say that she would be one of the most empathetic people they know. She is an excellent communicator and always gets her message across clearly and unambiguously. I would add that Galina is a keen observer—specific, objective, and non-judgmental which means that she is skilled at sensing what’s going on below the surface. She will challenge you to deal with the tough issues and explore many alternatives as options to resolve the issue at hand.

--Entrepeneur in India

“I never worry about action, but only about inaction”

Sir Winston Churchill

Clarif-I | | 108 Highland Ave, Suite 2 Winchester , MA , 01890 USA | Phone 7817290886

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